

Programmer / Web Developer

San Antonio, TX

January 1996

Learn Unity/C#

Awesome Thoery Idle


This site is under construction. Don't mind the mess - maybe someday this will be worth reading!

Welcome to Derp...Derp...Code!, my programming journal/blog. This site is more for me than anyone else, but if you are here and reading, that's great! You might wonder about the name - I might be good at programming, but I am a bad programmer, so I tend to derp a lot before producing worthwhile code.

Avatar3 Jan 2019

Working links described

Though "working" is up for debate...

Acrophobia - once upon a time in the late 1990s there was a website called Bezerk, you can see a screen capture of it here, that hosted a game called Acrophobia where you had to come up with what a group of letters could stand for. It was hilarious and great fun. Some clones of it exist out there, but none, in my opinion, are done as well as that one. I thought it would make a good party game in the vein of Cards Against Humanity: people take turns being the judge and call out a randomly generated acronym then players have 1-2 minutes to come up with the best one they can and the judge de...(more)

Tags: Acrophobia Awesome Theory projects